A photo of a gas stove that's lit, for gas safety blog post.

The health of your let property’s tenants can be jeopardised by poor gas safety, and it is your responsibility as a Landlord to provide a healthy indoor environment, whether it is protecting against airborne moulds, fumes or gases.  

Injury or illness to a tenant which can be directly related to a property owners negligence can result in costly liability claims under your Landlord Insurance policy.

Landlords are required to repair and maintain gas pipework and appliances, ensuring an annual gas safety check is undertaken and keep detailed gas safety records.

An Indoor Air Quality Management Plan and installing carbon monoxide detectors are also good ways to ensure that a tenants’ health is not endangered by gas in the building.

The plan you design should address the specific needs of each space and should take into account gas supply and appliance inspections.

The task should be assigned to one person who is charged with identifying problem locations and staff whose activities might affect the quality of the air.

The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 (2004 in Northern Ireland) requires landlords to ensure that gas appliances, fittings and flues provided for a tenant’s use are safe.

A gas safety check must be carried out by a Gas Safe Registered Engineer within 12 months of installing a new gas appliance or flue, and then annually after that.

Landlords must keep records of the safety check for two years and give a copy to existing tenants within 28 days. New tenants must receive a copy of the check before moving in.

Ensure that you will easily be able to update your plan for any legislative or other changes that affect gas safety.

Follow these guidelines for creating a plan that is appropriate for your situation:

Schedule routine maintenance of gas appliances, pipes and filters with certified engineers.

  • Have procedures in place to determine whether a gas appliance is unsafe. If you suspect that a gas appliance is unsafe, it is illegal for anyone to use it and, it should be immediately turned off.
  • Supply a CO alarm that complies with British Standard EN 50291 and carries a British or European approval mark (such as Kitemark). Makes sure to follow all manufacturers’ instructions

In case of a suspected gas leak:

  • Open all doors and windows
  • Shut off the gas supply at the meter control valve (if possible)
  • Call National Grid’s Gas Emergency Freephone number at 0800 111999

Involve Your Tenants With The Plan

Inform your tenants of the institution of the plan, and ask for their help in maintaining proper gas safety.

There are steps tenants can take to improve gas safety, too, including:

  • Allowing access to the property for gas maintenance visits and safety checks.
  • Never block ventilation on gas appliances, and ensure flues are kept clear at all times.
  • Only a Gas Safe registered engineer may carry out investigations and repairs on gas appliances and lines.

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