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Dental Defence Indemnity Quotes
As specialist medical and dental defence insurance brokers, Insync offers tailored Dental Professional Indemnity Insurance throughout the UK.
Whether you are a General Dental Practitioner (GDP) or a specialist cosmetic dental practice, we can offer a tailored and cost-effective solution which meets your legal obligations set out by the General Dental Council (GDC).

What is dentists Professional Indemnity Insurance?
Dentists Professional Indemnity Insurance provides dental defence indemnity for professional negligence claims, or allegations of malpractice, received against a dental practitioner in the course of their professional duties.
Should a patient seek compensation for injury or illness as a result of the care you have provided a dental defence insurance policy will provide cover for defence costs and any compensation awards up to the limit of indemnity purchased.
What information will you need to provide a quote?
One of our dedicated malpractice advisors will take complete ownership of your case and work with you so that we can build a clear picture of your expertise and procedures undertaken to our insurer partners – generally this can all be completed electronically.
We have created a streamlined process which will enable us to compare dental professional indemnity from up to 5 of the UK’s leading malpractice insurers.
We will also require a “letter of good standing” from your current provider / union which serves as a record of your claims history. We will then engage face-to-face discussions on your behalf to obtain the best possible terms, before reverting to you with our recommendations.
I run a Dental Practice, do I still need Professional Indemnity/Malpractice Cover
Whilst Dental Practitioners will often maintain their own individual defence insurance, we would still recommend that the Practice entity itself also consider a contingency policy for complete peace of mind.
In circumstances where a dentist’s policy, or union membership, fails to respond to a claim, the Practice could find itself on the end of a significant compensation claim.
Professional Indemnity policies for Dental Practices will extend to cover all dentists employed or subcontracted by the firm as well as cover for Dental Nurses as required.
Why Choose Insync for Dental Indemnity Insurance?
In today’s digital world, business has evolved, so why hasn’t your insurance broker?
We’re one of the UK’s fastest-growing insurance providers, offering exclusive schemes and facilities for Dental Professionals throughout the UK.
Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all business policies that have you paying for extras you don’t need and the slow, outdated and inefficient way business insurance is traditionally arranged!