Complications Consultants – The Insync Insurance Podcast
We caught up with Holly Clark, CEO of a new service – Complications Consultants and how her subscription service can benefit Aesthetic Practitioners.
Check out the interview below:
Dawn: So I’d like to start off. Could you introduce yourself for us?
Holly: Yeah, my name is Holly Clark, and I am the CEO of Founder of the Complications Consultants. I’ve also got another company called Cosmetic London, which is Aesthetics.
What’s your background? What made you start this second company?
Holly: So my background is actually in dentistry. I studied dentistry at Dundee University and graduated there when I was 26. I did aesthetics alongside dentistry for, I dunno, a number of years. But very, very quickly I realized that the demand was, was quite high, um, especially from, from a medical injecting point of view.
My set company grew exponentially very quickly. Um, so slowly, slowly, I was cutting down a day and then cutting down another half day. And then, so eventually, I just didn’t do dentistry anymore. I’m still registered with the GC, so yeah, I’ve still got that in place mainly for the peace of mind of my prospective clients, um, and the legitimacy of staff as well.
But yeah, and then through a lockdown and I think a lot of people had the view to kind of wanna change things up a little bit, maybe start something different. The main thing for me, which I like to do, in my personal time, is travel. Um, I wanted to try and find a way in which I could make money and travel at the same time.
Holly: And I felt that there was a real gap in the market, um, for supporting less experienced injectors. I was getting a lot of work come through with for corrections of people that had clients that had gone to less experienced injectors, whether that be a less experienced nurse injects are medic injector, dentist injector, or whether it be aian, a lay person.
There wasn’t really. Much differentiation between the two. I was correcting a lot of work, and I just thought, okay, this is fine. You know, I’m happy to do it. Um, and you know, the main thing being sort of making sure that the client is safe and happy, however, it’s not really educating people on how to best deal with these issues, and that’s what I wanted to do.
So the fact that I wanted to be able to earn remotely and actually I felt very passionate about. Bringing something new to the industry that is quite clearly lacking, tied in really, really nicely. So thank you .
Dawn: I think with Covid, although it’s been a very terrible time, has actually created a lot of good out of it for a lot of people. So it’s good, you know, so that everybody’s managed to. Literally see the silver lining in a very, very, very big cloud . Yeah, it was huge , very huge.
can you explain to us what the service is all about?
Holly: Yeah, of course. So, the service is a remote service. It works with all of the consent. All of the consultants are medical professionals with years of experience and constant experience as well, not just sort of dipping, dipping in and out with injectables, aesthetic injectables, Botox fillers and fats, and things like that.
We run a support line. So you have any prospective members, for example, who would have a direct line where they can contact a medical aesthetician immediately. So from dialling that call, as soon as they get through to speak to someone, the person that they’re gonna be speaking to is someone that can offer them immediate assistance.
It’s so no one’s gonna have to wait for anything. Obviously, with the nature of what we do, the likelihood is we’re gonna need to see clinical photos and things like that. They’ll also be given email addresses, they can also contact via WhatsApp. However, the initial first point of contact will be through a direct support telephone night number.
And then from that, we can articulate whether we need to get photos or more evidence. We need all of that can be sort of resolved as the phone call progresses. It usually will run from eight till eight, so 8:00 AM in the morning till 8:00 PM for general inquiries. It can be very useful to prevent complications from happening.
It doesn’t always have to be the fact that, oh, you know, something really horrendous has happened. But it’s just, it’s just to prevent a complication from happening as well. Even something as small as I can’t remember what gauge needle to use, or what canula should I be using for this, this treatment. It can be something really quite minor as that.
If we feel it’s gonna prevent a complication, it’s worth a phone call. And there’s nothing like this available at the moment, so I feel it’s really, really important. After these sorts of opening hours though, around eight till eight, if there is a more time-critical complication such as a vascular occlusion, or a suspected vascular occlusion, there will be someone monitoring that phone on call twenty-four seven.
Dawn: Wow. That sounds amazing. And like you said, there is definitely a gap for it. Cause I don’t think anyone has even thought about this really. It’s actually quite interesting as well, just to help give that extra cushion to practitioners who may feel a bit uncomfortable or just wanna double check with someone, but obviously maybe doesn’t have a friend or, you know, they work alone and they can speak to someone quickly about it they can always just drop a phone call.
Holly: Yeah, exactly. And I think, you know, the academies are, well, most of the academies, you know, they’re okay in the sense that they all do offer a follow-up service to their delegates. However, the academy owners and the academies or trainers, they’re all busy people. So I know from, from my own experience when I first qualified eight years ago, I would send emails for second opinions.
It was never anything massively, unfortunately. But I would sometimes have to wait a week, to two weeks for a reply, and it’s just not productive for general day-to-day practice. And if you need assistance, you need it now, you know, you don’t wanna have to wait for it. If you’ve got a client for example, and they have an extensive medical history, and they’re on a long list of medications and you dunno whether it’s safe to treat them, you could potentially lose that client forever.
If you don’t have the answers to that question, they can literally just excuse themselves from that consultation. So just give us a call and reel off the medications, and we can say, “Yes, it’s fine.” or “No, get a consultants’ clearance.” You know, there’s, there are lots of things that we can do to support them. So yeah, I think it’s, a really, really, really good service.
What are your goals for the service?
Holly: I think end result, I would like the accept by the holders and in the interest that it’s also really nice for them to feel supported, so to know it would just give them that extra little bit of confidence to go into their working day.
Yeah, I mean, the highest sort of importance is gonna be placed on public safety. That’s it. That’s the main aim and the main goal of the service that we’re offering to make them feel and in skill and the delivery of their service, but also to make sure that the client feels safe in that, in the hands of that injection.
Dawn: Definitely. That’s really amazing, and I’m really glad to hear that, basically, you’ve just got everyone’s best interests at heart as well. You know, it’s not just a scheme is essentially just to kind of help bridge that gap to help people feel more confident.
Holly: Yeah, exactly. And I think it’s really worth that there is, there is a massive divide within the industry of Medic and non-medic injectors. You know, whether that’s right or wrong, the fact of the matter is non-injectors are allowed to work within this industry.
And so, in my opinion, and the opinion of the consultants that work under my umbrella, why not try and make it as safe as possible? And there’s absolutely no judgment given to anyone that uses our service, anyone at all. There’s no criticism. There’s no judgment. If there’s criticism, it would always be constructive. We’re never, ever gonna, anyone or anyone feel lesser person.
Dawn: Is there anything else you’d like to add about your new company or, uh, you know, little self selfless little plug?
Holly: Yeah, I think the main thing really moving forward is definitely, public education. If you are a client, look out for our logo because anyone that’s registered with the complications consultant will have a membership number, and we will be giving them logos and branding so they can put that all over their social media.
This is so you know that they’re working as ethically and as safely as they possibly can. So from a client’s perspective, definitely have a lookout for that. And from the other perspective, if you’re not sure, or you just wanna have a chat with one of us to find out what our service is like, then we’re on social media with our, you know, our web address. Check us out!
Dawn: Thank you so much for coming on today!
The Complication Consultant Service is available as an add-on for your Aesthetics policy at Insync. To know more, Get In Touch.
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